Frances Olive Anderson
Primary School
rated ‘Good’ by SIAMs
Working With International Schools
Using Skype to interact with other schools.
Geography class
World events and places
rated ‘Good’ by SIAMs
Using Skype to interact with other schools.
World events and places
As of September 2012 the Department for Education has directed schools to include the following information on their school websites. Any information on this website can be requested by parents in paper format free of charge; please just ask the school office. The School Information (England) Regulations 2020 that took effect from 1st January 2021 require maintained schools to publish financial benchmarking information on their websites: please see the link below for our school.
Our School Benchmarking information
Frances Olive Anderson Primary School
The Grove
DN21 5EP
T: 01427 612827
Headteacher: Mrs Sarah Woolley
SENDCo: Mr Stewart Cook
Bursar: Mrs Grace Watson
Senior Administrator: Miss Sharon Smith
Governing Body Information 2024-25
The documents above holds the statutory information for the Governing Body and can be downloaded to print.
If you wish to contact a Governor please address your query to the Clerk to Governors of Frances Olive Anderson School at [email protected]
Keeping children safe in school is a key priority at Frances Olive Anderson Primary School.
Staff receive training in the following areas to ensure the safety of all children:
We follow the LSCP 6 year pathway for training.
The schools named safeguarding officer is Mrs Sarah Woolley. Deputy designated safeguarding officer is Mr Stewart Cook.
If you have any safeguarding concerns please contact them.
Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy
Lincolnshire Safeguarding Children's Board
Safeguarding is a serious matter; in the world we live in now the safe use of technology is an essential part of safeguarding. At Frances Olive Anderson Primary School we use technology and the internet extensively across all areas of the curriculum and we know that children access the internet as part of everyday life. Online safeguarding, known as e-safety is an area that is constantly evolving. It is important that we understand enough about the internet to keep our children safe from harm but it is equally important that we equip our children with the skills they need to keep themselves safe so they can experience the internet positively and responsibly. We are fortunate to have excellent support from LSCB (Lincolnshire Safeguarding Children Board) and Stay Safe Partnership who keep us updated with really useful information about the latest favourite apps, social media activity and ways to keep our children safe.
Please click on the links below:
Please see our policy for the provision of Remote Education.
Our school was inspected in July 2024, please download a copy of the OFSTED report.
Or view more information about us on the website
PE and Sports Premium Update 2022-23
PE and Sport Premium Update 2021-22 July 22
The Government gives schools an additional amount of funding for children considered disadvantage. This is measured by if children have accessed free school meals at any point in the last seven years.
Statutory Assessments 2023-2024
Statutory Assessments 2022-2023
Validated data due May 2024
To find out about how special our school is and our ethos and values please follow the link below to the about us section of our school.
Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural SMSC Policy
Data Protection and School Privacy Notice 2022