Music Lessons
Physical Education (PE)
Working together
Helping out
Working through the problem
Geography class
World events and places
Working together
Working through the problem
World events and places
We have a number of policies in school that are periodically reviewed by the Governing Body. Some of the most important school policies are below for you to download. If there is a policy you would like that is not listed here then please ask at the school office. Paper copies of all policies are available upon request free of charge.
Our Admissions Policy is due for consultation, there are no changes to our Admissions Policy since it was last determined in 2023, except that as we are a Church Aided school, we are our own Admissions Authority, this means that any appeals should be directed to school not the LCC, using the template attached to our policy. The consultation periods last for 6 weeks. Please contact the school office if you have any comments on our Admissions Policy for us to consider.
Admissions Policy 2026-27 Consultation required
Charging and Remissions Policy
Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy
Data Protection and Privacy Notice
Drugs and Managing Drugs Related Incidents
Equality Information and Objectives Policy
Management of Materials containing Asbestos
Mental Health and Wellbeing Policy
Photography and Mobile Phone Policy
PSHE Personal, Social, Health Edication Policy including RSE Relationships and Sex Education.
Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural SMSC Policy
Supporting Pupils with Medical Needs Policy
To see our behaviour policy please click below:
All schools have to have a policy for children with Special Educational Needs .
To view our SEND policy and other information about SEN please follow the link below.
Each year our school updates our charging policy. To view our charging policy please follow the link below.
Charging and Remissions Policy